British actress Charlotte Rampling, Greek-French actor Polydoros Vogiatzis and guitarist Varvara Gyra present on stage the literary encounter of the Greek poet Cavafy (1863-1933) and French novelist Marguerite Yourcenar (1903-1987), edited by Jean-Claude Feugnet. Belgian-born Yourcenar was the first to translate Cavafy into French and was a knowledgeable Cavafy critic and scholar.
Cavafy’s poetry permeates the performance, while Yourcenar’s texts with the female genius and sensitivity they exhume reveal secret aspects of Cavafy’s poetry, emphasising on love and death, loneliness, and political, existential and physical decline.
Sponsor: OPAP
Pafos Ancient Odeon
Kato Pafos, Cyprus
20 Euro (Standard), 15 Euro (students, unemployed, pensioners)
Tickets available online at www.soldoutticketbox.com
Friday, August 11, 2017, 20:30