The drums, the rhythm and the colours of the Far East, as well as the samurai tradition travel to Pafos with the Yamato Ensemble creating the magical atmosphere of the country of the Rising Sun on the city’s central square.
Taiko means drum and the ancient Japanese art of percussion instruments. Yamato is a group of drummers who continue this tradition, and they come to Pafos to offer us much more than a simple taiko performance. Colours and music will be combined in a performance of explosive energy, physical strength, absolute coordination, dance and the sound of drums. Dozens of traditional Japanese drums will be used on stage, like the little hand-held uchiwa-daiko and the huge odaiko, made out of a 400-year-old tree trunk, with a diameter of over one metre. “The force of the Yamato excites the audience and they won’t stop laughing and participating in the event” (London Times). An open “fun workshop” will take place before the concert to initiate us into the world of percussion instruments and Japanese music tradition.
28th October Square
Pafos, Cyprus
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
Friday, June 30, 2017, 19:00 - 21:00