What better way to wrap up the season than with the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra and the Cyprus Youth Symphony Orchestra side by side in a concert replete with images of the eternal battle between the forces of good and evil as in Mussorgsky’s “Night on Bald Mountain”, or Paganini’s demonic musical depiction of a band of witches (inspired by Sussmayr’s “Die Zauberschwestern im Beneventer Walde” or “The Magic Sisters in the Beneventan Woods” or even Berlioz’s “Symphonie Fantastique”, in whose fifth movement, the protagonist, an artist tortured by a relentless obsession of the perfect, yet unattainable woman, in desperation, slips into a nightmare depicted musically by the thrilling, horrific “Dream of a Witches’ Sabbath”.
Musical images galore then at the last concert for the season!
Mussorgsky: Night on bald mountain
Paganini: Le streghe(Witches dance) for violin and orchestra, op. 8
Berlioz: Symphonie fantastique, H. 48
CyYSO soloist: tba
Conductor: Jens Georg Bachmann
Skali Aglantzias
Agiou Georgiou 15
Aglantzia, Lefkosia 2108, Cyprusςιτψηεσ
Phone: +257 22 462 233
Tickets: 12 Euro, 7 Euro (18-26 yrs, pensioners), 5 Euro (under 18)
Ticket presales: Online at www.cyso.org.cy and at each venue 2 hours before the concert.
Information: +357 22 463 144, www.cyso.org.cy
Monday, July 02, 2018, 21:00