By Dromocósmicas team.
“Vagor & Bellavita” is the story of two clowns that live at the margins of society.
The play is a tribute to silent movies and their tramps. Among stunts, cans become stilts, carrots are transformed in clarinet, bottles in music and saws in melody.
These two characters will tell their history with laughter and poetry.
“Vagor & Bellavita” is a mime comedy play, a fable about the power of friendship and fantasy.
It is an opportunity to talk about solidarity and the importance of believing in dreams. It is a metaphor of the way a creative action can transform one’s life
Direction: Camilla Bombardini – Byron Skouris
Cast: Camilla Bombardini – Byron Skouris
Social Facilities Centre
1 University Avenue
University of Cyprus
Lefkosia 2109, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 894 356
Website: www.ucy.ac.cy
Tickets: 5 Euro / 8 Euro
Saturday, October 14, 2017, 16:30