Nicosia Tourism Board invites anyone who lives in or has visited Nicosia to take part in the photo competition “Uncover Nicosia”. The aim is to uncover Nicosia’s numerous beauties and fill in the web with photos of the capital.
There are eight contesting categories:
1. Heritage (e.g. Museums, Monuments, Religious and Archaeological sites)
2. Urban Life (e.g. Neighborhoods, street art, street life)
3. Natural environment (e.g. nature, trails, parks, gardens, water)
4. Architecture (modern and old)
5. Food photography (e.g. produce, wine, food)
6. Tradition (e.g. traditional products, customs)
7. Activities (e.g. festivals, sports, markets, events)
8. People (e.g. portraits, traditional professions)
The winning photo of each category will receive 100 euros.
The top ten photos from each category will be presented at a photo exhibition which is going to take place in the following spring.
All photos will be used for the promotion of Nicosia in Cyprus and abroad
Terms and Conditions:
The competition will be open from 1/09/2016 until 31/01/2017. Any photos submitted after January 31st will be disqualified.
Photos should be taken from the city and district of free Nicosia.
Photos should be send to This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. and should bear the name of the category and the name of the photographer, in the following form: Heritage_AndreasGeorgiou
You may send as many photos as you like to compete under any or all of the categories
The size of the photographs should not be below 2339χ3307pixels, 200dpi.
Photo collages will not be accepted.
A photo cannot compete under more than one category.
All photos submitted to the contest should be captured /taken by the participant personally and therefore the participant should have all corresponding intellectual property rights.
The participant should have acquired the clear and irrevocable consent of all persons and property and animal owners that may be captured in the submitted photos.
The Nicosia Tourism Board reserves the right to use and dispose of all photos submitted in the contest for the purposes of promoting the city of Nicosia via the media and social network, on the condition that the name of the photographer shall be stated therein.
The Nicosia Tourism Board has the absolute discretion to reject any photos with sexual, naked, improper, pornographic, violent,
inappropriate, abusive, racist or indecent content which degrades the human and public decency and morality.
All suitable photos will be uploaded throughout the duration of the competition on Nicosia Tourism Board’s Social Media (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram) with the hashtags #mynicosia, #uncovernicosia
Each week, our Panel will be choosing the ‘pic of the week’ from the best photos received during the week, which will be announced. At the end of the competition the Panel will choose the winning photo from each category. Our panelists are:
- Paschalis Paschali, Associate Professor, Head - Department of Design and Multimedia, University of Nicosia
- Elena Stylianou, Assistant Professor in Art History and Theory, Department of Arts, European University Cyprus
- George Kyriazis, PhD-Candidate, Department of Architecture, University of Cyprus
- Nicolas Lampouris, Lecturer, Department of Applied Arts, Frederick University
- Kyriaki Costa, Artistic Director, Non-Profit Organization Phaneromenis 70
- Andros Papageorgiou, Senior Tourist Officer, Cyprus Tourism Organisation Award
From Thursday, September 01, 2016
To Tuesday, February 28, 2017