Are you a photography enthusiast who wants to discover the world through their camera? Join us on a photographic expedition in the Cypriot countryside, organised by 6x6 Centre for Photography and led by professional landscape and conservation photographer Silvio Rusmigo.
The 3-day workshops are designed to guide you to some of the most photogenic locations on the island, carefully planned for best light, and to help you visualise a scene before capturing the right moment. These comprehensive workshops will enhance your skills and open new doors to your creativity.
The planning is all done for you and the itinerary includes photography tuition at off the highway locations, hiking, accommodation at traditional houses, transportation and all meals. Intended for small groups of photography enthusiasts, at any level of knowledge.
The tutor will be delivering effective photography-instruction, hands-on assistance and subject-knowledge transfer, while wrapping up with group discussions and projections of the work produced. Critique of the work in group sessions will help you improve your photography.
Join to combine the pleasures of experiential traveling and learning along with improving your photographic skills and vision!
Photographer - Tutor: Silvio A. Rusmigo Website: www.silviorusmigo.com
6x6 Centre for Photography Website: www.centreforphotography6x6.com/outdoor-workshops
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/6x6CentreforPhotography
Accommodation: LEMYTHOU Village
Cost: 280 Euro (includes shared accommodation, all meals, and tuition)
Group: Maximum 8* participants
Registrations – Info: +357 25 354 810, (*Expression of interest must be made timely due to limited number of participants)
Delving into the beauty of the Marathasa Valley, with its pine and oak forests giving way to the cherry, almond and apple trees, the impressive geologies of the Troodos Mountain as the backdrop, and the Venetian Bridges arching over rivers will get you behind your lenses in no time.
From Friday, March 24, 2017
To Sunday, March 26, 2017