In this concert, the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra presents the more academic or serious side of Mikis Theodorakis through two of his own works as well as a Suite written by maestro Baltas based on melodies penned by this great Greek composer. The story of Oedipus Rex concerned Theodorakis not once but twice, with his signature on two manuscripts deriving their subject matter and title from Sophocles’ tragedy of the same title. The first work, presented in this concert, was initially written in 1948, with the composer using material from two previous works of his own: the Sextet and the third part of his Symphony in three parts. Ten years later, in 1958, he reviewed the musical text, with the result being that with which we’re familiar with today. It was during that same period (1957-58) that Theodorakis wrote his Concerto for piano no. 1, while maestro Baltas’ Suite wraps up the concert with some of the composer’s well-known melodies.
Rialto Theatre
Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Lemesos 3603, Cyprus
Ticket prices:
12 Euro, 7 Euro (young people 18-26 yrs, pensioners), 5 Euro (young people 12-18 yrs), 3 Euro (children under 12)
Ticket presales:
Rialto Theatre (Andrea Drousioti 19, Limassol 3040, Tel.: 7777 7745)
Online at www.rialto.com.cy
At the theatre Box Office 4 weeks prior the concert day (Mo-Fr 10:00-13:00 and 17:00-19:00, Sa 10:00-13:00)
Online at the CySO Foundation website: www.cyso.org.cy
Information: +357 22 463 144, www.cyso.org.cy
Μ. THEODORAKIS: Oedipus Tyrannus
Concerto for piano no. 1
Α. BALTAS: “Where shall I find my soul…” – Suite on melodies by M. Theodorakis
Soloist: Elena Mouzalas (piano)
Conductor: Νikos Tsouchlos
Supporters: Rialto Theatre, Limassol Municipality, Paphos Municipality
Wednesday, March 08, 2017, 20:30