The Shika deer of Japan (also known as the spotted deer) –Bambi, from the cartoon that scarred several childhoods, is known for not losing its spots when reaching maturity.
The population of the deer is abundant. The increase of their population has triggered a series of consequential sounds.
Moments are continuous→ Moments are continuous and are rebooted when the realization of participation occurs→ The realization of participation occurs with the assistance of reference points→ Reference points are required for us to make some sense of the world.
Time constitutes a phenomenologically real experience and by juxtaposing and layering sounds and images, the project aims for the generation of such reference points.
The reference points are to generate moments of no deliberate event that can become moments of importance or moments of consequence.
Penelope Vasquez Hadjilyra.
Old Vinegar Factory
Genethliou Mitella 34,
3036 Lemesos, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 99 985 232
Reservations: +357 95 608 645
Time: 15:00- 20:00 (open rehearsals)
Entrance: Free
Cenrer of Performing Arts MITOS
1, Astigos street
3016 Lemesos
Phone: +357 99 985 232
Website: www.mitos.org.cy
Residency duration 2 days
From Monday, November 07, 2016 - 15:00
To Tuesday, November 08, 2016 - 20:00