“The dust is expected to retreat by tomorrow” is a devised piece that has a starting point the expression “live in the moment”. The team has collected material from personal and awkward family moments. Moments that we are all forced to experience on a daily basis. Our source of inspiration is those precious daily situations that we have to go through every day. Everyday we have to co exist in a series of moments with co-workers, family and friends. The duration of a moment” is connected to our work through recordings and video moments.
These mediums are the basic instruments for the creation of this project. Moments that have a precise duration, this might be from 7 minutes to 20 , an hour or even just a few seconds. Through out this material we will try to reconstruct this moment of dialogues, monologues, and discussions with our perception. Our target is to explore the meaning of being present in the moment, as we believe that “a moment” does not exist in time but lives in infinity.
Credits: Enact Theatre: Actresses- Elena Kallinikou, Marina Makris, Artistic Advisor- Evita Ioannou.
Old Vinegar Factory
Genethliou Mitella 34,
3036 Lemesos, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 99 985 232
Reservations: +357 96 477 431
Entrance: 10 Euro
Cenrer of Performing Arts MITOS
1, Astigos street
3016 Lemesos
Phone: +357 99 985 232
Website: www.mitos.org.cy
Residency duration 5 days
From Monday, November 21, 2016 - 20:30
To Wednesday, November 23, 2016 - 21:30