Quest is one woman’s metaphorical journey, which like all journeys, travels from one moment to the next. This performance compresses some of these moments experienced over a long time into the fifteen minute duration of the piece.
Quest invites us to witness the tension of the woman balancing on the very narrow stairs.
What happens if she falls?
‘Take a marble torso of a young maiden from the archaeological museum and bring her alive with a piercing gaze, expressive limbs and a red bonnet and you have an idea of A neesha Michael’s hauntingly serene presence. (…)Quest is a work whose qualities are invested in the performer; Michael is, as a colleague suggested, as much a medium as a dancer, channeling values that seem to come from somewhere beyond our mundane experience. Consciously or unconsciously we are all on this quest; Michael in her unornamented simplicity is showing us the way.’
Nicholas Minns Writing about dance
Credits: Performer- Aneesha Michael, Sculptor- Kyriakos Kadis, Advisor- Bush Hartshorn.
Old Vinegar Factory
Genethliou Mitella 34,
3036 Lemesos, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 99 985 232
Reservations: +357 96 306 617
Entrance: Pricing policy of ‘pay what you want or can afford’.
Cenrer of Performing Arts MITOS
1, Astigos street
3016 Lemesos
Phone: +357 99 985 232
Website: www.mitos.org.cy
Residency duration 2 days
Thursday, December 08, 2016, 21:00
To Friday, December 09, 2016