Departing from the well-known quote “If not us, who? If not now, when?” that coined by Jewish religious leader (in a different form) Hillel (1st century B.C.), established by U.S. politicians in the 20th century and used as a slogan during the Velvet Revolution in the Czech Republic in 1989, Parebrise Ensemble attempts to examine the moment of personal revolution/revolt (of the individual) against forms of power and social conventions that limit expression and individual freedom. The questions posed are: At the moment of revolution, does one realize the risks and prospects of their choice? Does this revolution last only for a moment or longer? Can something unexpected happen at the moment of revolution? Will this revolution be enough or will it inevitably lead to additional revolutions in the future? What does ‘personal revolution’ mean? Revolution as escape and as modification of the existing environment. Revolution as liberation and as revenge. Revolution as self-actualization.
Through a 30-minute performance that will include movement (duet), live percussion, text and visual art and which will be in three parts (before: the conditions that create the necessity of the revolution; the moment: the revolution; after: reviewing the results) the artists seek to state that the personal revolution is not only a moment of transcendence, but also an attempt to redefine our relationship with other people, as well as a necessary process for self-determination.
Credits: Visual artist- Christos Avraam, Actress- Nayia Anastasiadou, Musician- Christopher Constantinou (Kris Grecian), Choreographer/dancer- Marina Poyiadji, Author- Stefanos Stavridis.
Old Vinegar Factory
Genethliou Mitella 34,
3036 Lemesos, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 99 985 232
Reservation: +357 99 407 862
Entrance: 5 Euro
Cenrer of Performing Arts MITOS
1, Astigos street
3016 Lemesos
Phone: +357 99 985 232
Residency duration 3 days
Monday, November 14, 2016, 20:30 - 21:00