Fly Τheatre present a piece founded on the simple theatrical language of the body, voice and space to tell the story of a girl uprooted.
“Extremely charming, original and well executed.”Ethnos
“A real achievement. Authentic. Not subject to comparison.” Allios
“The bodies of the three actors create a whole world.”Efimerida ton Syntakton
“Katerina Damvoglou is fully immersed in the role.”Kathimerini
“A catharsis. Katerina Damvoglou deserves a prize.”Cat Is Art
“Astonishing. I warmly recommend it.”To Tetarto Koudouni
Last spring, after participating for the fifth time in Mozart’s opera “The Magic Flute” directed by Simon McBurney (founder of Complicite) Fly Theatre (Katerina Damvoglou and Robin Beer) presented “Angeliki” at Theatro Tou Neou Kosmou in Athens and received rave reviews. Now the performance is been transferred to the Old Vinegar Factory in the frame of theYard.Residency.16.
“Angeliki” is a monologue for three actors who play the life journey of Angeliki Matthaiou with simple means – puppetry, mime and their bodies. The show is based on the true story of the heroine, a refugee from Nees Fokies, Smyrna, as she wrote it herself.
Angeliki Matthaiou was “… a child of Lausanne. The Treaty of Lausanne. ” So begins her story in 1922 when she was just 6 years old. With the destruction of Smyrna she and her family are captured by the Turkish gendarmerie (tsantarmades) and begin a forced march deep into Anatolia. After several years and extraordinary hardship she arrives in Athens and finally in Rethymno, Crete.
Credits: Original Text- Angeliki Matthaiou, Text adaptation- Katerina Damvoglou, Directed/Created- Katerina Damvoglou, Robin Beer, Jorge Arbert., Performers- Katerina Damvoglou, Robin Beer, Nektarios Theodorou, Set/Costume/Sound/Light design- Fly Theatre
Old Vinegar Factory
Genethliou Mitella 34,
3036 Lemesos, Cyprus
Telephone: +357 99 985 232
Reservations: +357 99 219 103
Entrance: 10 Euro
Cenrer of Performing Arts MITOS
1, Astigos street
3016 Lemesos
Phone: +357 99 985 232
Website: www.mitos.org.cy
Residency duration 5 days
Saturday, October 29, 2016, 20:30
To Monday, October 31, 2016