A great revolution has taken place in the European museum panorama in the last decades: most of the museums we can visit today did not exist only 50 years ago or they have been radically renovated. This quantitative growth has been accompanied by a deep change in the way of communicating of museums. A new 'linguistics' has been emerging: more emotional, more immersive, more interactive. In this context – made even more complex by the impact of new technologies – the narrative side of the museum experience has become a strategic factor: a convincing conceptual basis, a strong storyline, an inspiring exhibition environment are the pillars of the contemporary museum. Sometimes this means a rich theatrical approach, others a minimalist philosophy, frequently a contamination among different idioms and viewpoints. This lecture will try to offer a vivid picture of the European museum scene under the specific angle of the narrative side of exhibiting.
Massimo Negri, European Museum Academy Director, formerly European Museum Forum Director from 2000 to 2009, is the author of several publications in industrial archaeology as well as on museological matters. A member of the Scientific Committee of the Museum of the Cathedral of Milan and Scientific Director of the Executive Master Course in European Museology, IULM University, Milan, he also teaches museology at the State University of Padua.
A.G.Leventis Gallery
5 Leonidou Street
Lefkosia 1097, Cyprus
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: +357 22 668 838
Website: www.leventisgallery.org
RSVP by Monday 5 February 2018: +357 22 668 838 / This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Doors close at 19:40. Please arrive early to avoid disappointment. The lecture will be given in English.
Entrance: Free
Wednesday, February 07, 2018, 19:30