The French Institute of Cyprus welcomes from 19 January to 16 February 2018 the interactive exhibition "The olive tree in the Mediterranean", in French and in Greek; produced by the Centre-Sciences Orléans.
On this occasion you are cordially invited on Thursday 18 January at 19:00 to an evening around the theme of the olive tree. A conference in English will be organized.
Four presentations will be delivered by:
Nicolas Jarraud, Assistant Vice President, The Cyprus Institute: What lies beneath: The secret love affair between Olive trees and fungi
Maria Emmanouilidou, Agricultural Research Officer,Olive Technology Laboratory , Agricultural Research Institute, Ministry of Agriculture, Rural Development and Environment: Quality of olive products
Evi Margaritis, Assistant professor, The Cyprus Institute: The Queen of all Trees: olives and olive oil in the Aegean and Cyprus in Prehistory
Nicolas Nétien, Farmer and environmental engineer: The case for a regenerative agriculture
Institut Français de Chypre
59 Strovolos Avenue
Strovolos, Lefkosia 2018, Cyprus
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone:+357 22 459 333
Website: www.ifchypre.org
Free Entrance
The conference will be followed by a cocktail offered by the Institute.
Thursday, January 18, 2018, 19:00