The Cultural and Research Foundation Phaneromenis 70 invites you with great pleasure to the round-table discussion: The ‘exotic’ Other.
University of Cyprus
Auditorium Β 211/ ΧΩΔ 02
Lefkosia, Cyprus
Invited speakers:
• Mrs. Despina Nazou (presentation title: "In its absentia the Aegean says and repeats ... That’s you! : The symbolism of the Aegean, the 'sense of place' and its photographic representations in the context of tourism)
• Mr. Nikos Philippou (presentation title: The National Geographic and the Constructions of Cypriot Women) and
• Mrs. Theopisti Stylianou (presentation title: Engendering a Landscape: the construction, promotion and consumption of the Rock of Aphrodite).
After the presentations, a discussion will take place.
(Two of the lectures will be given in English, while the third one along with the discussion will be in Greek)
Free entrance
Sponsor: Cyprus Tourism Organisation (CTO)
Supporters: Nicosia Tourism Board, University of Cyprus
Friday, November 18, 2016, 15:00 - 16:30