Peter’s Gallery cordially invites you to Derek Harris’ painting exhibition titled “The Colourful Cyprus".About the exhibition:
“A real artist, is the one who has the courage to see the world through his own eyes”, said once the Greek painter Yiannis Tsarouhis. I believe that this saying perfectly matches the paintings of Derek Harris. Derek showed us a new way to see things.
Derek has been courageous enough to paint images that we got used to and we pass by without actually seeing, such as the Rock of the Greek (Petra tou Romiou) which have been photographed countless times and printed on postcards, through his own eyes, in an original, true and unique way.
The originality and endless imagination of the artist are even more obvious when he paints different versions of the same subject. Each time, he puts us in a different world, made of colourful sounds submerged in feelings and spirituality. His compositions have been well thought of. The curbs and straight lines are placed in an orderly manner. A close relationship unites the shapes and colours. The surface of the painting plays the role of effective depth.
Every form takes its position in space through the correct dimensions and contrasts of warm and cold colours. These clear shapes and colours used in wise proportions, reach their destination passing through feelings, beyond their pictorial representation.
An invisible maestro orchestrates this vibrating polyphony of colours and shapes, in an aesthetic outcome full of light. An unworldly light, which exudes calm, subtle feelings.
The creation of a work of art is the creation of a world. Derek has created his own world. A world which expresses the essence of the artist’s stimuli both in a natural and metaphysical dimension.
Derek’s paintings make us travel in this world of feelings, spirituality and gratitude for life.”
- Aristotelis Demetriou (Painter)
Short artist biography:
Derek Harris is a widely Exhibited, Internationally recognized Award Winning Artist, Photographer and Designer. A Member of E.KA.TE. The Cyprus Chamber of Fine Art and the IAA his work ranges from original colorful paintings and Fine Art Photographic prints to illustrating Books, Stationary products, Consumer goods and Fashion Design.
As a student in the late 60/70’s he studied Painting at the Sir John Cass Art School and Painting, Stained Glass Design and Architectural Decoration at the Central School of Arts and Crafts in London. After further training in Mosaics he set up his own Studio Workshop and for the next ten years followed a career of Architectural Decoration. He later started working as a designer, photographer and eventually publisher when he was commissioned to photograph, design and produce and publish books on gardens of special and historic interest, most famously his successful book ‘Monet at Giverny’.
Among his many awards for photography and design he is most proud of being awarded four of the most prestigious Royal Horticultural Society’s Gold Medals for his remarkable Flower Portraits. Fine Art Limited Edition prints of these stunning portraits have had many Gallery Exhibitions and are in private collections throughout the world.
Happily living in Cyprus for the last five years Derek Harris has had time to resume his first love of painting and he has always been inspired by Nature and the Colors of the Land, Sea, Sky. In Cyprus where he is inspired by the light, landscape and remarkable sunsets he finds peace and tranquility which is reflected in his recent colorist paintings of the Cyprus countryside.
Peter's Gallery
31 Ioanni Polemi Street
Lemesos 3085, Cyprus
Phone: +357 25 384 804
Dates: 05/10/2016, 06/10/2016, 07/10/2016, 08/10/2016, 10/10/2016, 11/10/2016, 12/10/2016, 13/10/2016, 14/10/2016, 15/10/2016, 17/10/2016, 18/10/2016, 19/10/2016, 20/10/2016, 21/10/2016, 22/10/2016, 24/10/2016, 25/10/2016, 26/10/2016, 27/10/2016, 28/10/2016, 29/10/2016, 31/10/2016
Opening Hours: 10:00 - 13:00 & 16:00 - 18:30
Website: www.petersgallery.com.cy
From Wednesday, October 05, 2016
To Monday, October 31, 2016