Image Theatre, THE BEST OF IMAGE (black light theatre), CZECH REPUBLIC
The Image Theatre blends black theatre, pantomime and modern dance based on the distinguished Czech tradition in this genre.
The performance “The Best of Image” is a selection from the Image Theatre’s past and current word presenting the best dance and magic compositions and the most successful comic sketches with an original approach to the principles of “black theatre”. Mystification, precise execution of visual tricks, playful authors, compelling performances by actors and dancers and the desire to have fun and entertain the viewer.
THOC New Theatre Building
9 Gregori Afxentiou
Lefkosia 1096, Cyprus
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 7777 2717
Website: www.thoc.org.cy
22 September - THOC Evis Gabrielides Auditorium, Lefkosia, 18.00
23 September – THOC Evis Gabrielides Auditorium , Lefkosia, 18.00 & 20.30
Tickets: 10 Euro and 5 Euro
Tickets available at the Box office of the theatre and online at TicketHour
From Friday, September 22, 2017
To Saturday, September 23, 2017