Pafos has always welcomed foreigners from all over the world, many of whom have been assimilated into its society. There are also those who remain invisible and anonymous, still in the status of the immigrant. Following their traces, this project aims at bringing them to light and fostering their social assimilation. Some well known European photographers will wander in the neighbourhoods of Pafos and other cities and will record the adventures of a world unseen. Sociologists, anthropologists and art educators will also contribute to the work in which children of minorities will get involved in order to surpass their linguistic or social limitations. When the project is concluded, a photographic exhibition, a documentary and a publication, producing material against racism and social exclusion, will record all these activities.
Photographers: Nikos Economopoulos, Antoine D’Agata, Bieke Depoorter, Nicolas Iordanou from Greece, France, Belgium and Cyprus.
Anthropologist: Nandina Christopoulou.
Art Educator: Tereza Markidou. Curators: Nicolas Iordanou and Sylvia Nicolaides.
8 - 24/9/2017 / 16:00 - 19:00 - Exhibition
Palia Irektriki
Vladimirou Irakleous 8
Pafos, Cyprus
20/12/2017 / 20:30 - View the documentary
Open Air Attikon Cinema
Evagora Pallikaridi str.,
Pafos, Cyprus
Entrance: Free
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
From Friday, September 08, 2017
To Sunday, September 24, 2017