What should be the most fundamental motivation in our lives? Power? Greed? Possibly money? How about health?
In our opinion it is none of the above. We believe the strongest of human motivations should be that of being happy. It is happiness that needs to be what drives the precious little time we have on this planet. As a unit of analysis happiness spans across numerous disciplines. From neuroscience to positive psychology, and from philosophy to political science, happiness is fast becoming the currency of contemporary life.
Still, there is a concerning reality that needs to be addressed in more detail – as our overall standard of living improves, levels of happiness remain relatively constant demonstrating that regardless of geography, gender, age and economic class, happiness is a mystery to many.
On November 10th TEDxLimassol will bring to its stage nine speakers and three performers who will share their stories around the concept of happiness. By doing so TEDxLimassol hopes to play its part in solving the happiness puzzle.
The Happy Theme meets three of the most essential TEDTalk objectives:
-To democratize knowledge and science
-To stimulate and arouse audiences around the world
-To spark deep discussion and connection
Rialto Theatre
Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Lemesos 3603, Cyprus
Phone: 7777 7745
Website: www.rialto.com.cy
17.17 Euro - 33.14 Euro
Saturday, November 10, 2018, 09:00 - 17:00