Musicians from Britain, Cyprus and Russia come together to play modern music with a classical flavor. Performed by violins, cello, acoustic guitar, bass, keyboard, electric guitar, drums and vocals.
From Bach to the Beatles,
In Madness and in Dire Straits,
With Irish and Country,
We'll play all the greats.
Elea Estate
1 Eleon Avenue, 8310 Geroskipou,
Pafos, Cyprus
Directions: Go straight through Geroskipou, heading for the airport and the golf club will be found on the left just outside the village.
Tickets: 33 Euro including dinner
Buffet dinner 18.30, concert 20:00
Reservations: Tel: +357 26 202 003 or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Saturday, June 10, 2017, 18:30