The Leventis Art Gallery presents the exhibition "Solomos Fragoulidis: The Artist – The Art Critic" from the 9th of May to the 4th of September 2017 in the Claude Monet Hall.
Claude Monet Hall, Coco_Creativity Centre
A.G. Leventis Gallery,
Lefkosia, Cyprus
Phone:. +357 22 668 838
Website: www.leventisgallery.org
The exhibition will be opened by Mr. Pavlos Paraskevas, Director of the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture.
This exhibition presents Solomos Fragoulides, one of the pioneering artists of the first generation of Modern Cypriot Art, not only as a painter but also as an art critic.
At the time of the exhibition special educational programs and lectures are planned.
From Tuesday, May 09, 2017
To Monday, September 04, 2017