A musical-comedy acting, singing, dancing and joy by Lexi Theatre.
Rialto Theatre
Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Lemesos 3603, Cyprus
Website: www.rialto.com.cy
Tickets: 10 Euro / 8 Euro
Dates: 22/01/2017 at 14:30 and at 16:30
A beautiful princess, a prince and a persistent subversive King encounter onstage known good fairy tales, the 'necessary' evil witch, but a cosmic diva who comes to change their lives. All even more entangled when the servants of the palace put plenty spice in the lives of heroes!
Director Christos Nikolaou
Adaptation project and Lyrics: Stavros Stavrou
Sets - Costumes: Sosanna Tomazou
Music: Andreas Michalopoulos
Choreography: Antigoni Tasouri
Sunday, January 22, 2017