The Art de Fact Organisation, in line with the spirit of the Open Air Factory, creates installations which connect people and places. Placed in public locations, these installations will create an open air museum and a dialogue between the sites and the artworks. This connection opens up broader notional links and enriches the visitors’ and the local people’s perception of the works and the spaces themselves. The artists Andreas Makariou, Yiota loannidou, Andreas Paraskevas, Charis Paspallis, Dimitris Makariou and Umit Inatci represent different generations and techniques, and are invited to create artistic interventions in central locations in Pafos. In addition, there will be a photography exhibition with the images of the installations. Some of the works have already been place in 2016 and all 12 will remain in the public space permanently, as an aesthetic enrichment of the landscape and a legacy that the European Capital of Culture will leave behind for the city of Pafos.
Pafos, Cyprus
Cost: Free
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
Tuesday, March 14, 2017, 20:00