The Municipality of Athienou, and the Kallinikeio Municipal Museum of Athienou, are currently holding an exhibition “Seven Stories. Lace and Modern Art” until June 2017, which celebrates Athienou’s unique lace crafts and their status as ‘intangible heritage’.
Described as “seven works of modern art listen to seven testimonials on Venis and Athienou needle lace”, the exhibition revolves around oral testimonies of the history of lace making in the large village community, which have then been interpreted into modern art by various participating artists.
The lace techniques of ‘Venis’ lace (‘Pittotes’) and Athienou lace (‘Oloplouma’) differ from Lefkara lace linens (‘Lefkaritika’) in their designs, whilst Oloplouma are made entirely out of lace without linen cloth. The lace is included in the Intangible Cultural Heritage of Cyprus Register, which confirms its traditional significance.
The purpose of the exhibition is to fill the gap in the written account of this tradition; to revitalise the memories of the village during this era, and to introduce the younger generation to this significant piece of the village’s history, which is not widely known.
The artists are: Anastasia Lambaski Onisiforou, Irini Klokkari, Elena Tsigaridou and Sandy Antoniou, Natalie Pehlivani, Christiana Pougerasi, Chrysostomos Iosifides and Chrysostomos Kitas.
Their artistic disciplines vary from jewellery design, fashion and ceramics, to painting, interior and graphic design.
Kallinikeio Municipal Museum of Athienou
2 Archbishop Makarios III Avenue,
7600 Athienou Village,
Larnaka, Cyprus
Phone: +357 24 524 002
Operation Hours: Monday – Friday, 8am – 3pm (except public holidays), and with prior notice on weekends.
For more information, contact: Phone: +357 24 524 002 or visit www.athienoumuseum.org.cy.
From Thursday, June 23, 2016
To Friday, June 23, 2017