The play «Scorched» by Wajdi Mouawad will be presented for the first time in Cyprus.
A confusing and mysterious will is the reason for the young Jeanne and Simon to travel all the way to the Middle East in search of their roots after their mother’s passing. Along and throughout their journey, people, events and specific incidents will help shed light on the mystery of their personal quest. Through their wandering they will discover secret aspects of their mother’s life and how she was affected by the civil war. Without realising the story’s outcome, they will find themselves faced with truths that marked both their mother’s and their own life. In the end, they will succeed in finding the truth and their real identity, which will scar but also redeem them. Director Paris Erotokritou notes: The play by Wajdi Mouawad could be described as a modern variation on Oedipus’ tragedy set in the Middle East instead of Thebes. «Scorched» is a play about the search for truth and paying back a debt. A tragic and painful debt set during the civil war in neighbouring Lebanon.
Translation: Efthymia Yiannopoulou
Direction: Paris Erotokritou
Set Design: Giorgos Yiannou
Costume Design: Rea Olympiou
Music/Music Instruction: Vasiliki Anastasiou
Movement: Ariana Markoulidou
Lighting Design: Stavros Tartaris
Composition & Sound Design: Yiannis Christofides
Cast (in alphabetical order):
Niki Dragoumi, Margarita Zachariou, Valentinos Kokkinos, Panayiota Papageorgiou, Manos Petrakis, Stefanos Pittas, Ioanna Shiafkali, Andreas Tselepos
(in Greek)
Sotira Town Hall
22 Makariou III
Sotira, Ammochostos 5390, Cyprus
Ticket: 12 Euro/ 6 Euro
Website: www.thoc.org.cy
At the same time «Scorched» is a metaphysical play where time and space often shift like in a dream, or rather a nightmare. The search for truth will lead to the redifining of the characters’ identity and raising questions of whether the past should be forgotten or searched into at any cost. The play focuses on the concept of the Journey, both geographically and psychologically, and the effect of a crime and the war that brought it about which determines the fate and lives of future generations.
Sunday, January 29, 2017, 18:00