A series of events around the Goddess of Beauty and the rich cultural dimension of the myth.
Sotiris Karagiorgis has written music for prose and poetry on Aphrodite, edited by Professor Giorgos Georgis of Neapolis University of Pafos, which will be presented through screenings, recitals and discussions.
Ass. Professor Erato Hatzisavva of the Athens School of Fine Arts attempts an innovative and contemporary approach to some of the most famous masterpieces of European art, works which deal with the Goddess of beauty, love, fertility and sacred harlotry. Through an interactive representation of the Goddess, Erato Hatzisavva creates 3D on-wall works and videos, and 15 graduates of the Athens School of Fine Arts offer their own renderings of
Aphrodite of the Homeric works, curated by Leda Kazantzaki
Palia Irektriki
Vladimirou Irakleous 8
Pafos, Cyprus
Entrance: Free
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
Friday, November 03, 2017, 16:00 - 17:00