The first collaboration between the National Theatre of Greece, the National Theatre of Northern Greece and the Cyprus Theatre Organisation directed by Stathis Livathinos.
Antigone was probably first performed at the Great Dionysia festival of 441 BCE, and was written by Sophocles as a response to the exile of Themistocles, the victor of the Battle of Salamis.
In Antigone, one of the finest works of ancient Greek drama, the conflict between the moral law and the law of the state reaches its peak, with the two protagonists unable to escape the tragic fate that
has been decreed for them.
Pattichion Municipal Amphitheatre
Nikolaou G. Dimitriou Street
Larnaka 6031, Cyprus
*Surtitles in English
Time: All performances start at 20:30
Entrance: 17/8 Euro
For more information please contact THOC: T. + 7777 2717, Website: www.thoc.org.cy
Friday, September 30, 2016, 20:30