A significant lecture for the devotees of Lefkosia and its history is hosted by the Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation in the framework of the “Medieval Nicosia” Festival.
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
86-88-90 Phaneromenis street
P.O.Box 21995
1515 Lefkosia, Cyprus
Tel. +357 22 128 157
Fax +357 22 662 898
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The lecture titled “Quest for ourselves through Guilio Savrorgnano letters (1557-1670)”, draws on the Foundation’s new landmark publication “Venice and the Defence of the Regno di Cipro” that brings together the correspondence of the Venetian fortification creator, Guilio Savorgnano, by well-known French researcher Gilles Grivaud.
The lecture looks at Lefkosiahe capital and its world when, in 1567, Venice decides on the new Venetian fortification. Savorgnano’s correspondence reveals interesting information on the reactions and comments of Venetian architects and civil engineers regarding the construction and cost of the new fortification.
The devastating demolition of the old fortification and of a large number of settlements in the city, as described by Nicosia residents, strikes an emotional chord with readers.
The lecture will also revolve around the innovation of applying such a daring Renaissance project in an inhabited city as well as on the critique lashed out at Savorgnan by his fellow citizens when Nicosia fell after a siege of barely four months, though it boasted the most innovative and contemporary fortification works of the time.
Wednesday, March 28, 2018, 19:30 - 21:30