March 20th every year is designated as International Francophonie Day (Journée Internationale de la Francophonie) and is observed within the International Organization of La Francophonie’s 77 member-states to celebrate the French language and Francophone culture. Cyprus holds an observer status in the organisation, with events marking the day taking place throughout the island for the whole of the month.
Calendar of Events for March 2018 relating to the Embassy’s contribution to the Francophonie programme of events:
Friday, 9 March 2018, 21h / Cine Studio, University of Nicosia, Lefkosia
Tuesday, 20 March 2018, 20.30h / Theatro Skala, 15 Kyriakou Matsi, 6015 Larnaka
Film, « Moka » directed by Frédéric Mermoud (Switzerland / France, 2016)
Cast: Emmanuelle Devos, Nathalie Baye, Samuel Labarthe, Jean-Philippe Ecoffey, Diane Rouxel, Marion Reymond, Paulin Jaccoud
Armed with a few belongings and a gun, Diane Kramer leaves the clinic on the lake Léman waterfront and heads for Evian. She is led by one obsession: to find the hit-and-run driver of the mocha coloured Mercedes which hit her son and devastated her life. The path of revenge is however, sometimes more tortuous than it seems.
Language: French with English subtitles / Duration: 90 minutes / Εntry: free
Organised by the Embassy of Switzerland in cooperation with The Friends of Cinema Society and the Larnaka-Famagusta Cinema Society
The Ambassador of Switzerland will host a cocktail after the screening.
Thursday, 22 March 2018, 20.30h
ARTos Foundation, 64 Agion Omologiton Avenue, 1080 Lefkosia
«Sur un air de Ramuz»
Switzerland presents a literary and musical event with baritone vocalist and actor, Sergio Belluz and pianist, Ioana Primus. The famous Swiss writer Charles Ferdinand Ramuz (1878-1947), who greatly changed the literary landscape of his country, is discovered through texts and music excerpts.
Language: in French with English surtitles
Duration: 45 minutes
Organised by the Embassy of Switzerland in cooperation with the ARTos Foundation.
The Ambassador of Switzerland will offer a cocktail after the event.
Thursday, 29 Μarch 2018, 19h
University of Cyprus, University Campus-Panepistioupoli, Hall 010, Social Activities Building ΚΟΔ01-07, below Caffè Nero
Presentation by Mr Sergio Belluz from Switzerland: "La Suisse, un grand petit pays francophone"
A cocktail follows with live francophone songs (voice/guitar: Philippe Ledru, piano: Ioana Loizou)
Open to the public
Language: French
Organised by the Department of French and European Studies and the Faculty of Humanities of the University of Cyprus in collaboration with the Embassy of Switzerland.
Embassy of Switzerland
Prodromou / 2 Dimitrakopoulou, Egkomi
CY 1090 Lefkosia, Cyprus
Phone +357 22 466 806
Fax +357 22 766 008
From Friday, March 09, 2018
To Thursday, March 29, 2018