Aarhus and Pafos, the two European Capitals of Culture for 2017, will be connected throughout the year by a series of common projects and actions, starting with their Opening Events. The work of the internationally renowned Danish composer, Lars Møller, was composed specifically for the opening event of the European Capital of Culture – Aarhus2017. The composer who is inspired by today’s World Travellers, the migrants, comes to present his work also in Pafos with the Aarhus Jazz Orchestra, the Concert Clemens Choir and the Music Lyceum of Pafos Choir.
Kennedy Square
Pafos, Cyprus
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
The Aarhus Jazz Orchestra will be conducted by Lars Møller.
The Concert Clemens Choir will be conducted by Carsten Seyer Hansen.
Performers: Aarhus Jazz Orchestra and Concert Clemens
*With the participation of the Choir of the Music Lyceum of Pafos.
Lars Moller’s newly composed piece for choir and big band ”To A New World” is performed at the openings of the two European capitals of culture in 2017, Paphos and Aarhus. In his work Lars Moller has taken inspiration from Mikis Theodorakis’ famous ”Kites” theme which in this connection is used as a symbol of human emancipation.
Lars Moller reinterprets and perspectives the theme’s traditional Greek rhythm which becomes the general musical motive throughout the piece.
The text is inspired by excepts from Martin Luther King’s famous speech ”Promised Land” and relates to the overall themes and narrative of Paphos and Aarhus 2017.
And I’ve seen the Promised Land.
I may not get there with you.
But I want you to know tonight, that we, as a people, will get to the promised land!
And so I’m happy, tonight.
I’m not worried about anything.
I’m not fearing any man!
My eyes have seen the glory of coming to a new world (*)
* (In the composition” To a New World”, the words ” coming to a new world” replaces the original “the coming of the Lord!!” )
Saturday, January 28, 2017, 12:00 - 13:30