Saturday 28/01, 17:00 – Exhibition tour time
The exhibition is open until the 28th of February 2017 (10:00 – 19:00) : Old PowerHouse & Shelley Residence.
An international visual and research effort with the participation of renowned visual artists from Pafos, Cyprus and the Mediterranean basin. The Planites refer to the wanderers, the World Travelers, from Agapenor to Apostle Paul, Saint Neophytos, and, of course, Aphrodite; but it, also, evokes the refugees of various times up to today’s immigrants. The exhibition takes place between Palia Ilektriki and the Residence on Shelley street, in an alternative tour around the city’s urban fabric.
The participating artists are: Andreas Aggelidakis, Natalie Yiaxi, Charis Epaminonda, Ben Evans and Alkis Chadjiandreou, Eleni Kamma, Nurtane Karagil, Lito Kattou, Marianna Konstanti, Rosa Barba, Inal Bilsel, Andrea Bruno, Banu Cennetoğlu, Elizabeth Hoak-Doering, Marina Xenofontos, Lefteris Olympios, Christodoulos Panayiotou, Giorgos Petrou, Evanthia Tselika, Chrystalleni Loizidou, Athina Antoniadou, Efi Savvidi, Sokratis Sokratous, Lefteris Tapas, Savvas Christodoulidis, Marianna Christofidou.
Supervision: Elena Parpa.
Pallia Ilektriki
Vladimirou Irakleous
Pafos, Cyprus
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
From Saturday, January 28, 2017
To Tuesday, February 28, 2017