Opening Events for Pafos2017 European Capital of Culture : 'Far off lands' - an inter-generational, bi-communal, audio-video installation.
Exhibition Tour: 29 January 2017, 12:30
The exhibition is open until the 28th of February 2017 (10:00-19:00)
The video installation “Far Off Lands” focuses on the distant land of childhood and the memories of the body, as well as on the “distant land” of the shared hopes and dreams for the future. The project is inspired by the work of the renowned Cypriot poet Taner Baybars (Plucked in a Far Off Land), as well as the research the team has conducted on childhood before and after 1974. Three generations of Cypriots (from both sides of the Buffer Zone) get together to share their experiences as part of the installation. The installation is devoted to the two communities, as well as to all the people living in a divided society. The project invites visitors to experience the installation as a voyage through three spaces and three parts respectively and write down their own experience with a wish for the future.
The project, implemented by the team Echo Arts, was designed and created by Ariana Economou, Gurgenc Korkmazel, Dorinda Hulton and Peter Hulton. The music was composed by Larkos Larkou.
Παραγωγή ECHO ARTS.
Municipal Art Gallery
7 Gladstonos Street
Pafos, Cyprus
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
From Sunday, January 29, 2017
To Tuesday, February 28, 2017