Did you miss Open Mic Night 5? Then this is your chance to hear celebrity haiku artist Fortino Samano performing more unmarketable Cypriot haikus, future primitive Alexis Karkotis reading his hallucinatory ethnographic reports from the future, and Katherine Toumbourou telling a story that she actually has more than ten minutes to prepare. Look also for new stories from storytellers James "Sleazy Bristol" Mackay and Vanja Radivojevic-Savva. Rumor has it that Max Sheridan will even be singing an original song called Mercedes.
Join us for all that and more original poetry, short fiction and performance art in Cypriot, English and Greek on Wednesday 16 November, 2016 20:00 - 23:00 at Prozak Kafeneio. 2 Euro donations will be collected by Fortino Samano himself. Don't mess with him.
IMPORTANT: Anyone can perform original work. If you want to perform your work, please get there a little earlier and sign up by 19:30.
Visit www.writecy.com/open-mic for the official guidelines in English and Greek.
3A Medondos Street
Lefkosia 1060, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 104 244
2 Euro donation to Write CY
Wednesday, November 16, 2016, 20:00 - 23:00