Within the framework of Kypria International Festival 2016.
The ensemble She’Koyokh, hailed as “one of London’s musical treasures, playing the best Balkan and klezmer music in Britain” (Evening Standard), and the trio Monsieur Doumani, which The Guardian addressed as an “entertaining, confident and inventive set”, join forces and cross their musical paths based on the music traditions of Cyprus, the Mediterranean, the Middle East, the Balkans and Eastern Europe.
Duration: 110 min
Dali Amphitheater
(next to the Lyceum)
1 Eveggelou Floraki Street
Dali, Lefkosia 2540, Cyprus
Tickets: 10 Euro/5 Euro reduced
Information: www.kypria.org.cy
Wednesday, September 28, 2016, 20:03