CHAMBER MUSIC CONCERTS with musicians of the Cyprus Symphony Orchestra
There’s a commonly-held belief that there’s no better way to start off one’s day than with music by W. A. Mozart. But why confine it to starting off one’s day? Why not close the day – or the daylight hours at least – with the Austrian composer’s music? And this is exactly what CySO Artistic Director Jens Georg Bachman, the leader of the orchestra Wolfgang Schroeder and the principal of the 2nd violins section Kypros Christodoulides are proposing for this concert: his two violin and piano sonatas, K. 304 and K. 305. A double-barrelled report of Mozart in all his chamber music glory. After the two sonatas, we have in store a surprise for our audience!
Wolfgang Schroeder (violin)
Kypros Christodoulides (violin)
Jens Georg Bachmann (piano)
Technopolis 20 Cultural Centre
18 Nikolaou Nikolaidi Avenue
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Phone: 7000 2420
Website: www.cyso.org.cy
Tickets: €5
Sunday, January 14, 2018, 15:00