A play by the folk poet Pavlos Liasides, directed by Nikos Hatzopoulos, is a co-production of the House of Cyprus in Athens and the Athens-Epidaurus Festival and it is presented in Cyprus this September.
The play deals with the conflict between the physical and the metaphysical, as its title, which means "the dreamer who believes in fairies" and it will explore the play’s connections to the ancient Greek drama.
Cast: Dimitris Antoniou, Marina Argyridou, Andri Theodotou, Kleitos Komodikis, Giorgis Tsouris
Direction: Nikos Chatzopoulos
Set and costume design: Vassiliki Syrma
Music: Stavros Lantsias
Movement: Valia Papakonstantinou
Lighting design: Sakis Birbilis
Assistant director: Giorgis Tsouris, Christiana Batsiou
THOC New Theatre Building
9 Gregori Afxentiou
Lefkosia 1096, Cyprus
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 7777 2717
Website: www.thoc.org.cy
Time: 19:00 and 21:00
Tickets: 15 Euro
Saturday, September 09, 2017