The Goethe-Institut in Cyprus, as part of the Month of the German Language, organises the screening of the film “The fat years are over – The Edukators” (Die fetten Jahre sind vorbei) at Technopolis 20, on Thursday, November 10th at 7:30pm.
Technopolis 20
18 Nikolaou Nikolaidi Avenue
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Phone: 7000 2420
Website: www.technopolis20.com
Free Entrance
For more information please contact us at 7000 2420.
A few words about the film
Director: Hans Weingartner, 126 min., 2003/2004. In German with English subtitles.
Jan and Peter share a flat in Berlin, a Volkswagen bus, and ideas on how to take action against social injustice in the world. They spy on luxury mansions and break in when the owners aren’t home. They don't steal anything, instead they re-arrange the furniture and leave what they hope are unsettling notes, such as “You have too much money” or “Your days of plenty are numbered”, and sign themselves as “The Edukators”. Peter’s girlfriend Jule has just lost her flat because she fell behind with the rent, and moves in with Peter and Jan. Jule convinces Jan to help her “educate” a businessman (Burghart Klaussner) she owes money to. When Jule mistakenly leaves evidence behind, they must go back to the crime scene, where they are surprised and events quickly get out of hand.
Thursday, November 10, 2016, 19:30