Is our future predetermined?
Dr. Bradford Skow, Philosophy Professor at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, USA, presented a new theory of time, which suggests that the past, present and future coexist. The difference is that the present does not constitute a “display of time” but a “temporarily dispersed” state.
With this in view, ARTos Foundation has designed and introduces the project “MELLON”, which consists of a series of selected presentations, by distinguished experts in the design of actions in the fields of: ‘Future Museum’, ‘Future Cities’, ‘Post Humanoid’, as well as the fields of Arts & Sciences.
‘MELLON’ includes a series of different actions and approaches on the subject, throughout 2016.
MELLON | Future Museum – Lecture with Chris Dercon
(Appointed Director, Volksbühne Berlin, Germany – former director of Tate Modern London, UK)
Following the launch of MELLON with ‘Post-Humanoid with Stelarc”, our programme actions continue with the lecture ‘Future Museum with Chris Dercon’, which will take place on Monday, 26 September 2016 at 19:30, at ARTos Foundation, with the support of the Cultural Services of the Ministry of Education and Culture and the British High Commission in Nicosia.
Vast, solid, monolithic, vertical museums are probably buildings of the past… Expensive buildings might be a thing of the past. Probably the new Tate Modern is one of the last examples of this period… Today and tomorrow changing the museum will no longer be just a matter of building; it will have to rethink what kind of space the museum can and should be. It can also be a digital space…
We have to think of a new form of museum architecture that isn’t just architecture, but is also about new organizational and financial models… Conceiving a perfect space for art and artists – I don’t think that’s a priority any longer. We have to consider sharing, interconnectivity, and cultural participation: what does the viewer want and need?”
(Excerpts by the publication “Museum of the Future”, Interview – 15th June 2014, Zurich).
ARTos Cultural and Research Foundation
64 Ayion Omoloyiton Avenue
Lefkosia 1080, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 445 455
Website: www.artosfoundation.org
Language: English
Free Entrance
No reservations
For further information please contact +357 22 445 456.
Monday, September 26, 2016, 19:30