The Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation and The Cyprus Institute proudly introduce to the public the Digital Library of Medieval Coins in the Collection of the Cultural Foundation.
The digital platform allows an interactive exploration of the coins in the Collection, by applying specialized imaging and analysis technologies, such as RTI (Reflectance Transformation Imaging) and Superzoom that aim to bring forward and utilize the wealth of the Foundation’s Collection.
Featuring information material, pictures, links and texts on the Collection’s medieval coins, the digital library stands out as an innovative, alternative educational programme in Cyprus. The library’s digital platform is based on the digital structure and functionality of “Dioptra”, the advanced Digital Database for Cypriot Culture.
The event is placed within the framework of Global Money Week.
Bank of Cyprus Cultural Foundation
(Andreas Patsalides Hall)
86-90 Phaneromenis Str.
Lefkosia 1011, Cyprus
Website: www.boccf.org
Participation is free
Dr Nikolas Bakirtzis, Programme Coordinator, The Cyprus Institute
Eleni Zapiti, Archaeologist and President of the International Committee of Money and Banking Museum
Andreas Pitsillides, President of the Cypriot Numismatic Society
Tuesday, March 28, 2017, 19:00