Moscow "Theatre LUNA" under the direction of Peoples artist of Russia Sergey Prohanov presents a story of love, betray and remorse, rivalry and revenge.
Andrea Drousioti 19
Platia Iroon
Lemesos 3603, Cyprus
Phone: +357 7777 7745
Website: www.rialto.com.cy
Tickets: 40/35/30 Euro, supporters 25 Euro
Duration: 1 hour 30 minutes without intermission.
Language of performance: Russian
Age 16+
In the center of the action – the two women's destinies: legendary dancer, courtesan, and the most famous spy of the First world war, Mata Hari and her friend, rival and traitor Hannah Wittig.
In this unusual show intertwined past, present, future, reality and vision, East and West.
Performed by:
Anna Terehova, honored artist of Russia
Elena Zaharova, star of TV
Mikhail Polosyhin, honored artist of Russia
Vladimir Tyagichev and other
Wednesday, April 05, 2017, 19:00