Louvana Records once again presents Lefkosia Loop Festival 2018, on 22 – 24 March, at three different locations. The festival will be initiated on March 21st with a workshop at Studio eleven63. On the 22nd of March the festival will begin with a documentary screening and a live performance at Θκιό Ππαλιές - Thkio Ppalies. For March 23rd and 24th, six live performances will take place from artists from Cyprus, United Kingdom, Finland and Greece at Theatro Dentro.
The festival’s line up are the duets of Man Duo (FI), Earth Eye Loop (UK), Underwater Chess (GR), Side Effect (CY) and the solo acts of Dimitris Sideris (GR), isel (CY) and Eleni Era (DE/CY). The documentary “Lute Electric” will be previewed with the presence of its director Vasilis Demetriades (GR) and it will be followed by a Q&A session.
Festival Programme:
Wednesday, 21 March (studio eleven63)
18:00 - 21:00 - “Crafting a soundscape - how to design sound for visuals” / Andreas Trachonitis
Thursday, 22 March (Thkio Ppalies)
20:30 - Documentary "Lute Electric"
22:00 - isel (CY)
Friday, 23 March (Theatro Dentro)
20:30 - Doors open
21:00 - Side Effect (CY)
22:00 - Dimitris Sideris (GR)
23:00 - Underwater Chess (GR)
Saturday, 24 March (Theatro Dentro)
20:30 - Doors open
21:00 - Eleni Era (CY/DE)
21:45 - Earth Eye Loop (UK)
23:00 - Man Duo (FI)
Workshop: 22 Euro (Free with the purchase of a three-day ticket – only 15 spaces available)
Thursday 22 March: 6 Euro
Friday 23 March: 15 Euro
Saturday 24 March: 15 Euro
Three-day ticket: 22 Euro
Info/Tickets: LefkosiaLoopFestival.com | facebook.com/LefkosiaLoopFestival | 70007610
Presale: www.lefkosialoopfestival.com/tickets
*In order to secure a place at the workshop, an email has to be sent at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., with the subject “Crafting a soundscape”. The email has to include name, phone number and a short CV.
Sponsor: Ministry of Education and Culture
Supporters: studio eleven63, Prozak Coffee Shop
Media Sponsors: Parathyro.com / Popaganda.gr
From Thursday, March 22, 2018
To Saturday, March 24, 2018