The European Capital of Culture – Pafos2017 sends out an invitation to the first event of the programme ‘Let’s Move’, with dance performances in town squares. The participation and joint creativity are essential factors for overcoming the differences between people, and also for the harmonious combination of various elements that constitute the fluid cultural identity of Pafos. This project combines community involvement with artistic creation, while dance schools join with professionals creating, thus, a performance for the residents and visitors of our town.
The performance is organised in the context of the Community Involvement Programme in collaboration with the Pafos ‘Dance Culture’ Association and is the first out of three events that will take place within the next months, with the cooperation of Pafos’ Folklore Associations, the Embassy of Austria and the Programme “Schools in Action”.
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
Sunday, March 19, 2017, 19:30