Events Programme for Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia for October 2016.
Educational programmes for families with children:
Sunday 02/10/2016, 10:30'
Ledra, Ledros and the Marvelous World of Lace Embroideries
A journey into the history of lace embroideries. The programme is delivered
with the participation of visual artist Katerina Xenofontos
Children age: 7 years+
Duration: 1.30
Sunday 09/10/2016, 10:30'
Old Traditions – New Expeditions
The ceramist Koula Kalvari presents her personal creations inspired by laces
and lace embroideries of Cyprus in order to encourage the children to get inspired
by traditions of their homeland and create their own ceramic works of art
Children age: 5-10 years
Duration: 1.20'
Sunday 16/10/2016, 10:30'
A Journey into the History of Cyprus
through artworks by Despo Frederickou
Time-travelling into history. With the participation of the artist herself
Children age: 9 years +
Duration: 1.20'
Sunday 23/10/2016, 10:30'
Take a Photo and Learn History
How and what do we photograph in a Museum?
Children and parents bring their photographic cameras at the Leventis Museum.
With the participation of the photographer- researcher Alexia Makridou
Children: 8 years +
Duration: 1.30'
Educational programmes for school groups:
A Journey into the History of Cyprus through artworks by Despo Frederickou
4/10- 03/11 2016 - Every Tuesday, Wednesday & Thursday, 10:30
Children: 3rd-6th grade of primary school
Children: 1st-3rd grade of gymnasium
Children: 1st-3rd grade of lyceum and public technical school
Duration: 1.20'
Phone:+357 22 661 475 (106 &110)
Participation: Free
All Educational Programmes will be delivered in Greek
Concept and Co-ordination:
Educational Programmes Department of the Leventis Municipal Museum of Nicosia
Sunday, October 02, 2016, 10:30
To Thursday, November 03, 2016