The story of four unemployed guys, motivated by ‘The Chippendales’ to form a male stripping act, in order to make some fast cash.
Latsia Municipal Theater
57 Yiannos Kranidiotis Avenue
Latsia, Lefkosia, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 878 688
Website: www.latsia.org.cy
Tickets: 30 Euro, 35 Euro, 40 Euro, 45 Euro
(In Russian)
They pitch the notion to a local club owner and take lessons from a slightly shop-worn, dance instructor with a heart-of-gold in all manner of things, including what women really want from a male stripper (and how to deliver it).
Written in 1987, by Anthony McCarten and Stephen Sinclair, Ladies Night has been translated into twelve languages and remains New Zealand’s most commercially successful play, of all.
Sunday, March 05, 2017, 19:30