Enjoy a music evening with jazz and swing music, with a programme of well-known songs, performed by a music group of young university and school students. Three female voices (Stefani Neofytou, Natalie Flouri, Kristin Michaelidou) and three music instruments, piano (Phoebe Jordanous), percussion (Nikolas Tsagkaris) and double bass (Spyros Socratous). Come and support the new generation of musicians!
Technopolis 20
18 Nikolaou Nikolaidi Avenue
Pafos 8010, Cyprus
Website: www.technopolis20.com
Entrance: 7 Euro
Reservations necessary at 7000 2420.
With the university and school students:
Stefani Neofytou, Natalie Flouri
Kristin Michaelidou - Vocals
Spyros Socratous - double bass
Phoebe Jordanous - piano
Nikolas Tsagkaros - percussion
Thursday, January 05, 2017, 20:00