The Centre for Contemporary Art Diatopos presents a solo exhibition of Kika Taliadorou Coles entitled "Inhibitions and Constraints". The opening of the exhibition will be made by Dr Eleni Nikita on Friday, November 11, 2016, at 20:00.
Centre of Contemporary Art Diatopos
11DZ Crete Street
Lefkosia 1061, Cyprus
Phone: +357 22 766 117
Website: www.diatopos.com
Operating Hours:
Monday - Friday 17:00 - 20:00, Saturday 11:00 - 13:00
Through this exhibition work entitled "Inhibitions and Constraints" Kika Taliadorou Coles explores the human quest narrative in which individuals seek autonomy, struggle against limitations, constraints and inhibitions imposed by themselves. Through this collection of artwork, the artist is exploring human emotional, physical constrains and the feelings that result from them; of entrapment, vulnerability, and rigidness versus liberation.
Kika Taliadorou Coles explains that letting one's self free might make oneself vulnerable but it is essential for fulfillment and living life in full. The existence of system constraints such as society "musts" help explain why some individuals choose not to "let go" even if there is a more desirable alternative.
The artist is looking closer through an anthropological lens, seeking to explore how people interact with and for each other and the way their characters become part of a collective emotional reality. Her intention through her work is to raise awareness that there are no constraints on the human mind, no walls around the human spirit, no barriers to our progress except those we ourselves erect.
Through an amorphous, idiosyncratic approach towards the human figure she intends to create and communicate a thought provoking expression of raw layered and complex emotions. She is interested in the technical processes behind the visual effects. The media and processes she uses are chosen to portray human inhibitions and/or constraints versus a liberated frame of mind (black and white versus colour, constrained versus an instinctive medium application).
The artist's name, Φοινiκα – Finika derives from the bird Phoenix, a mythological bird that is reborn from it’s ashes. Like the bird is a powerful symbol that assimilates human power to regenerate from his difficulties and become even stronger, the artist through her art suggests regeneration and self liberation.
Φοινἰκα - Finika was born in Nicosia and studied at the Pancyprian Gymnasium. When in High school she was taught by Vera Gavriilidou- Chatzida, Costas Joachim and Effie Savvides, who were inspirational art teachers to her. She studied in Britain at Kingston University, De Montfort and Leicester University where she lived most of her life. She worked as a teacher of Art and Design, both in secondary schools and at University level. She recently repatriated to Cyprus and currently is the Head of the Fine arts department at the American International School. Φοινἰκα - Finika has taken part in a number of exhibitions, studies and committees.
From Friday, November 11, 2016
To Friday, December 02, 2016