During September and October, the Wine villages onganise various events dedicated to the grape and its sub-products.
Visitors can observe the making of palouzes and shoushoukos at the venues, enjoy various grape delicacies, participate in competitions, wine tasting and entertainment shows (including fork music, theatre productions, and the revival of old traditional customs).
Visitors can also learn about the village’s traditional houses, visit local museums, churches and other sights.
Dates for the Festival on the following wine villages:
SUN, 11 SEPT at Vasa village
SUN, 18 SEPTat Lofou village
SUN, 25 SEPT at Arsos village
SUN, 2 OCT at Koilani village
Entrance: Free
For further information please call T. +357 99 352 547
From Sunday, September 11, 2016
To Sunday, October 02, 2016