A contemporary performance by INVERTED.
What Hindus call veils of Maya (Illusion) and what essayist Jean-Claude Barreau calls oblivion dissolve at the moment of a glimpse, like a short awakening. The concept of the choreography is about the moments we miss because we do not perceive them, the moments that we perceive, and those that awaken us in the form of glimpses.
The concept is inspired by a story of Hinduism about the Golden God, the Immortal Swan, who leaves the small nest of the body, tastes life, its pleasures and fears, without being attached to them, and has the ability to return anytime to the state of awakeness. There is no separation of matter and spiritual awakening for the Immortal Swan, therefore it is considered to be the symbol of liberation from the veils of illusion of material life. On the contrary, we humans live trapped in oblivion, in a state similar to somnambulism, like the dead, not really awake.
The choreography has references to the work of the Greek philosopher Dimitris Liantinis, regarding the authenticity of life and the awareness that humans are not immortal, which should be leading to a more conscious life and to the escape from oblivion.
Dancehouse Lefkosia
(Agora of Ayios Andreas)
25 Parthenonos Street
Ayios Andreas, Lemesos, Cyprus
Phone: 7000 5035
Contact: +357 99 414 683 / +357 7000 5035 / +357 22 780 960
Entrance: 5 Ευρώ
With the support of the Cyprus Ministry of Education and Culture: Politismos Programme 2016
Thursday, December 29, 2016, 20:00