Maa-Palaiokastro is located some 13km northwest of the city of Pafos. Excavations at the site revealed a fortified settlement, situated on a small peninsula, dating back to the Late Bronze Age (1400 BC) and connected to the Achaean Greeks and the subsequent Hellenization of Cyprus.
A round subterranean exhibition room - work of Italian architect Andrea Bruno - has been constructed at the site, with only its bronze dome visible from the outside. It is here where renowned Cypriot Steinway Artist, composer-pianist, Savvas Savva will present his works for piano (Savvas Savva), percussion (Marios Nicolaou) and voice (Katerina Andreou) in tribute to the Mycenaean colonization of the island; written especially for the European Capital of Culture Pafos 2017 and presented in a world premiere.
Inspired by four millennia of uninterrupted Greek presence in the island of Cyprus, Savvas takes advantage of the full spectrum of a piano keyboard, makes extensive use of percussion instruments and exploits the unlimited abilities of the human voice in an attempt to convey to us all his impression from the landing of the Achaeans at this beautiful peninsula.
Pafos, Cyprus
10 Euro
Tickets available online at www.soldoutticketbox.com
Website: www.pafos2017.eu
Tuesday, August 08, 2017, 20:00