Flying Away Art & Music Festival is the meeting point for professional and amateur artists involved/applied in painting, sculpture, photography, jewelry, fashion, new media art and much more.
Flying Away is a space for interaction and interrelation, and acts as a “home,” where festival accreditation holders can share their ideas, raise the profile of their projects, present their products and contact with professionals working in similar areas at a leading festival on the local scene.
When we began “Flying Away Art & Music Festival”, our motive was to bring local artists together, support them, promote them and help them form social bonds between themselves and people who would come and see our vision and theirs in one place, at one time. The festival brings our local artists and industry together using participatory ideas.
As a festival on the local scene, we are the first of our kind, and without having a strong base, when we began; today we have a minimum of 10,000 visitors each festival. We are the first of our kind that managed to bring together a diverse culture and a wide range of people from various demographics.
Orfeas Stadium
Lefkosia, Cyprus
5 Euro per day
Free entry for children under 15 years old
Children under 17 will have to enter the festival with their parents
Flying Away Art & Music Festival
Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Phone: 7008 7108
Facebook page: www.facebook.com/FlyingAwayFestival
Website: www.flyingawayfestival.com
Society has changed, and life moves constantly at a rapid pace. People buy things they don’t need, with money they don’t have, and they have the false belief they need to consume everything available to make their lives easier. This obsessive consumption leads to people working more to earn the extra money to satisfy their elevating and costly needs, where the outcome results in having less time to enjoy the simply entities in life that make them happy. Art and Music.
Picture this world, for just a minute, without art. It surrounds us everyday, in different formats that we may not even consider as art. It’s a huge part of our lives and we don’t even give it the recognition that it exists.
Just take a look around you, and notice that all your surroundings are a work of some form of art. The table or desk you’re sitting at is art. Someone designed it, drew it, and created it, for you to possess and use. It is art. Your daily accessories, clothing and shoes are art. The coffee mug you drink out of everyday is art. All functional design is considered art.
In turn music is also art. We listen to music everyday, whether in the car, or at home, at the gym, or on a walk. Its role is crucial at different points of our lives. For some more than others, music is a necessity in the daily routines, in order for them to function properly, and without music their routine changes in a negative turn. Depending on your mood, you find music that compliments your feelings at that moment, and a song that you may feel relates to what you are going through. It might sound like an overstatement, but music unconsciously plays a crucial role in our lives.
Overall, art creates awareness. It helps people take a closer look and have a perception of social elements around the world. It comes in different forms since each social culture is different. Art helps people pay more attention to others and their emotions. It brings people, objects and life matter together as one. It helps people understand and see what could not be easily perceived. No matter what the art is, the artist who designed the piece brings out expression and feelings that could have not been felt without the actual concept of art.
From Friday, September 08, 2017 - 18:00
To Sunday, September 10, 2017 - 00:00